In an effort to end hunger this holiday season, Mollie Stone’s will donate a can to the San Francisco & Marin Food Banks on behalf of each new Mollie Stone’s Facebook fan from December 2 – 23, 2011. Help us collect cans by sharing Cans for Fans with your Facebook friends!
All of us at Mollie Stone’s Markets are excited about Cans for Fans, our virtual can drive on Facebook. Keep reading to learn more about why this important issue is worthy or your support and how Cans for Fans works. Then, click here to go to Cans for Fans on Facebook and get started.
Why is this important to Mollie Stone’s and to the Bay Area?
There are many important causes to support this time of year, but if you have ever been to a Mollie Stone’s then you are familiar with our passion for wholesome food. Hunger not only manifests itself as a consistent lack of enough food and fewer meals each day, but also as relying on poor-quality food that is high in calories but absent of nutrients.
So, we came up with Cans for Fans to help combat hunger, partnering with the San Francisco & Marin Food Banks which provide nourishing food to more than 225,000 people in the Bay Area. In 2011, these two food banks are on track to distribute 45 million pounds of food by the end of the year. (That’s 93,000 meals a day!)
A large percentage of hungry people served by the food banks are low-income families with children and seniors. Here’s a look at hunger by the numbers*:
- 237,000: People who live at or below 185% of the federal poverty line in San Francisco & Marin Counties
- 197,000: People in San Francisco that struggle to feed themselves
- 240,000: People served monthly in San Mateo & Santa Clara Counties by the Second Harvest Food Bank
- 1 in 5: Children that regularly do not have access to enough food to meet their nutritional needs in the Bay Area
I want to help collect cans! How does Cans for Fans work?
Thank you for your support! Here’s how Cans for Fans works:
If you do not yet “Like” Mollie Stone’s on Facebook, simply go to our Facebook Page and hit the “Like” button at the top of the page.
- Voila! Mollie Stone’s is now donating a can on your behalf.
For our existing Facebook Fans and those who have just become a Fan, you can continue to make a huge difference by helping us collect more cans:
- Go to the Cans for Fans tab on our Facebook page.
- Click the green button that says “Click Here” to invite your Facebook friends to donate a can.
- A box will pop up with a link and information about Cans for Fans. Add any additional comments you have, then click the blue “Share” button.
- The link to Cans for Fans will show up on your Facebook Wall and all of your friends’ News Feeds!
The Details
Mollie Stone’s Markets is launching Cans for Fans on Friday, December 2, 2011, and will keep the virtual can drive going for three weeks until 11:59pm on December 23, 2011.
We started with 1,787 Facebook Fans, so for each new “Like” over 1,787 we will be donating one can to the San Francisco & Marin Food Banks. For example: If we have 2,787 Facebook Fans by December 23, then we will be donating 1,000 cans. We’re willing to donate as many cans as you can help us collect – please help us by clicking here to share Cans for Fans with your Facebook friends!
If you would also like to make a monetary donation directly to the San Francisco & Marin Food Banks, please click here.
*Information courtesy of the San Francisco & Marin Food Banks and the Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara & San Mateo Counties.