So you LOVE cheese and you feel like you’re ready to move onto the next level of the cheese world BUT where do you even begin? We know how you feel, the cheese world can be overwhelming! There are stinky cheeses, moldy cheeses, soft cheeses, cave-aged cheeses and so much more…
We’ve picked five cheeses for the beginner cheese connoisseur— an introduction to the world of fine cheeses:
1. Brillat Savarin, Cow, France
This earthy, buttery rich cream cheese is a great introduction to the Brie family because of its mild scent. Fall in love with the texture of Brie without the pungent aroma that scare some off. It’s luscious, super creamy and spreadable.

2. Morbier, Cow, France
If you’re a fan of cheddar, then this Morbier is a great “next level” cheese for you. It’s stronger than cheddar, with earthy and grassy notes. We carry a pasteurized version that’s not a true Morbier, meaning it’s perfect for beginners because it’s more mild and less stinky! It’s traditionally made with vegetable ash in the center to separate the morning milking with the afternoon, however this one is injected with grape extract instead, making it even more approachable.

3. Campo de Montalban, Cow / Goat / Sheep, Spain
This triple milk semi-firm cheese is similar in appearance and texture to the famous Spanish Manchego cheese. The Campo de Montalban almost tastes like a mild Parmesan—not too salty with nutty and grassy notes. The three different milks add depth to the flavor profile. It’s great for snacking, but also melts well for cooking.
4. Midnight Moon, Goat, Cypress Grove, California *Local
Goat cheese is known for its unique tart, rich flavor which at times can be too intense for a beginner. The Midnight Moon is a great starter cheese because it’s aged, reducing the grainy barnyard flavor. It carries wonderful sweet, savoury caramel notes, and is more approachable than fresh goat cheese.
5. Blue d’Auvergne, Cow, France
If you’re looking to get into blue cheeses, it’s a fabulous one to try—it’s creamy, moldy, and salty, but not too acidic. The saltiness really helps cut down on the spiky earthiness flavor of the mold. It’s a true blue, but you get more creaminess than other blues. The buttery and nutty tones pair really well with a little bit of honey.

If you’d like specific recommendations for your taste preferences, ask your local Mollie Stone’s Cheese Specialist or email!