Introducing Real Coco

We’re so excited to be carrying Real Coco, a product that’s 100% all-natural coconut water. Real Coco is naturally subtly sweet and deliciously refreshing. Even better, it’s a fat-free, potassium-packed health drink with 5 essential electrolytes to help you revitalize your body with natural hydration! All this with no added preservatives, Real Coco is the super drink for keeping you and your family vibrant and healthy.

Real Coco was the first product by Real Foods, a company with a mission to go back to what is REAL. They set out to find the best natural food on the planet and deliver it to you. They traveled the world, and experienced many inspiring food cultures in their search for the perfect “Real Foods” before they discovered Buco, Filipino coconut water. When they tasted this utterly delicious coconut water, they knew they finally found their first product. On a tiny island in the Philippines, Buco is grown year round and is always fresh.
