What makes dry-farmed potatoes a superior spud?

Dry-farmed potatoes from Bloomfield Organics are as rich in cultural and historical significance as they are in flavor and quality. Prior to the 1906 earthquake, spuds from rolling hills of the Estero Americano Watershed region were grown in our sandy loam soils and shipped via flat bottom barge to San Francisco. After the quake, the already-shallow waterways filled with silt, making barge shipping tough. Then farmers from the Sacramento region began irrigating their fields, leading to earlier and larger potato yields. These factors caused a marked decline in the region’s potato production and competitiveness.


Today, the famed dry-farmed potatoes from the Estero Americano are back. Bloomfield Organics potatoes are grown without conventional irrigation, relying only on the moisture stored in the soil. Dry farming is one of the most sustainable, responsible methods for the water-scarce times we live in. This method is not only good for the environment, but leads to a greater ratio of solids (e.g. nutrition). In other words, a pound of dry-farmed potatoes delivers less water and more flavor and nutrients to you.

Bloomfield Organics just delivered three varieties of dry-farmed potatoes to Mollie Stone’s:

  • Princess La Ratte: Considered native to Denmark and France and first cultivated in the 19th century, the La Ratte is medium-sized, ovate and tubular. It has smooth golden skin and a smooth yellow flesh that has a buttery flavor with nutty undertones. It is excellent in potato salad due to its low starch content.
  • Purple Majesty: Originating in Peru and Bolivia, this potato has been cultivated for over 8,000 years! It is considered to be one of the deepest purple of all varieties, and unlike the Russet, it has rich nutritional value. Purple potatoes are inherently dry, starchy, earthy and slightly nutty in flavor, and are excellent in just about any preparation.
  • Yukon Gold: We are used to seeing this large, thin & smooth skinned potato in the store, but the dry-farming technique results in a much deeper flavor. The yellow-ish flesh has a fantastic buttery flavor.

No matter which variety you select, the flavor always stands out in simple preparations – try roasting them with extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh rosemary. Or, substitute them in your favorite potato recipes like this cheesy Twice Baked Potato Casserole for a dish the whole family will enjoy!

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