Nano-Greens are small veggies with big personalities

Nutritious, beautiful, tasty…what more could you ask for in a veggie?

Chefs at fine restaurants have garnished dishes with microgreens for years. The fresh appearance of these delicate, rainbow-colored shoots add beauty and dimension to any plate. Beyond the visual appeal, microgreens contribute a bright pop of flavor that is often more intense than their mature counterpart.

Recent studies have found that microgreens have a high concentration of nutrition, with up to 40 times more vital nutrients and vitamins than mature plants. The most intensely colored microgreens are often the most nutritious.

Given all of the above, we are thrilled that Dixon-based Salad Cosmo has launched a line of live microgreens called Nano-Greens to be enjoyed in our home kitchens.


Keep reading to learn how they are grown, about the different varieties and for some serving suggestions. 

Microgreens Vs. Sprouts

Microgreens are not the same as sprouts:

  • Microgreens are the young stems and leaves of a seedling of an edible vegetable or herb. Most varieties are harvested less than 14 days after germination and are grown with exposure to air and light. Some microgreens are grown in soil, but these Nano-Greens are grown in a compostable cotton sheet that keeps them fresh for up to two weeks until you’re ready to enjoy them.
  • Sprouts include the seed and root in their edible parts. Instead of leaves, sprouts have just the immature leaf buds. They are grown entirely in water in dark conditions.

Salad Cosmo does not use any GMOs or GEOs, nor do they use artificial colors, additives or preservatives. Yes, those vibrant colors are 100% natural!

Nano-Greens Varieties

Live Nano-Amaranth
Color: vivid red. Flavor: mild, slightly nutty, sweet.

Live Nano-Kohlrabi
Color: green and light purple. Flavor: crisp, mild cabbage.

Live Nano-Mustard
Color: green and white. Flavor: pungent, dijon mustard.

Live Nano-Onion
Color: green and black dots. Flavor: pungent, oniony.

Live Nano-Red Radish
Color: green and pinkish red. Flavor: pungent, peppery.

Live Nano-White Radish
Color: green and white. Flavor: pungent, peppery.

Live Nano-Pak Choi
Color: green and white. Flavor: mild cabbage.

Savor These Serving Suggestions

Nano-Greens can be mixed, matched and cut at different lengths to express your culinary vision. Due to their high water content, cooking them is not recommended. Use them to elevate your favorite dishes to the next level:

  • Sandwiches and wraps
  • Green salads and grain salads
  • Soups
  • Canapes (try topping a rice cracker with cream cheese, red radish & onion Nano-Greens)
  • Eggs
  • Entrees
  • Pasta
  • Sushi (on top or rolled in)
  • Hummus and dips
  • Cheese plates
  • Tacos

The possibilities are truly endless. Be creative and enjoy!

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